Effective January 1, 2023, Heartland is no longer provided funding to ship outside the state of Texas. All our products except for the TST calipers, are available for download on the website.
If you are located outside of Texas, you are welcome to order our products, but we will request shipping costs be provided to us by way of USPS, FedEx, or UPS. If you believe this will greatly impact patient care in your state, please reach out to [email protected].
Each state has a CDC funded Center of Excellence (COE) that can provide products and shipping services at no cost. For more information regarding your state’s active COE, please refer to the CDC COE website:
A poster for healthcare providers that identifies the dangers of TB meningitis, the importance of prompt diagnosis and assessment, early signs/symptoms, and other considerations for patients under the age of 5.
A tool for TB Nurse Case Management.
Case Studies in Tuberculosis: Training in Nurse Case Management, 2023 Edition (New)
A collection of nurse case studies and accompanying tools.
Book preview
The book provides basic information on the use of the public health and clinical laboratories in the diagnosis and monitoring of patients with latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) and tuberculosis (TB) disease.
2 page teaching sheet for clinicians and healthcare providers covering Amikacin.
2 page teaching sheet for clinicians and healthcare providers covering Streptomycin.
Book preview
A facilitator guide used to build internal capacity within TB programs.

Calipers for Measuring TST Reactions
Available by Email/Fax Request ONLY
One-page flow diagram for clinicians and health-care providers.
Pocket guide to aid in the clinical assessment of a patient’s weight and nutritional status. Product highlights include a Body Mass Index (BMI) chart, clinical definitions, and nutritional formulas.
6.33 ” W x 13.58″ H (tri-fold) – (Spanish version) Pocket guide to aid in the clinical assessment of a patient’s weight and nutritional status. Product highlights include a Body Mass Index (BMI) chart, clinical definitions, and nutritional formulas.
Versions: English / Half Marshallese / Full Marshallese
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This flipchart can be used by health assistants, community health outreach workers and others to provide basic information and education on active TB while working with patients and families from the Marshallese community. Using the flipchart can help raise understanding and awareness of TB in the community and help people with active TB understand the disease and the importance of seeking care and completing treatment.
3 fold brochure aimed at the identification and management of hepatotoxicity in HIV/TB coinfected patients being treated for LTBI. The brochure contains information on LTBI in the context of HIV; hepatotoxicity, toxicity monitoring, and screening guidelines.
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This mental health assessment is to provide the clinician with a quick screening tool for use with their TB patients in order to identify possible areas of concern or a need for referral to a mental health professional. It contains a series of questionnaires and observations to be documented during the patient’s medical evaluation and history-taking in order to highlight significant issues that should be addressed by TB program staff (or referral).
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Manual for local or college health-care providers. Includes CD-ROM of sample forms and letters.
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This book for clinicians shows and describes examples of radiographic abnormalities common in pediatric tuberculosis, emphasizing pulmonary, lymphatic and meningeal disease. The utility of CT scan and MRI in pediatric TB are also discussed. Radiographs and case studies are used as illustrations throughout the book.
Two-sided guide and reference sheet to help health-care personnel in the assessment of adverse drug reactions.
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Pocket-sized manual for clinicians and providers managing patients with active and latent tuberculosis.
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17×22 inch poster for healthcare workers that provides the current first-line TB treatment regimens, dosing recommendations and frequency, and adverse reactions and monitoring.
4-inch by 5-inch pocket guide for health-care providers.
4-inch by 5-inch pocket guide for health-care providers.
4-inch by 5-inch pocket guide for health-care providers.
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This flipbook is available in Dari and can be used by healthcare personnel to provide basic information and education on latent TB infection and active TB disease while working with patients and families from the Afghan refugee community. Using the flipbook can help raise understanding and awareness of TB in the community and help people with active TB understand the disease and the importance of seeking care and completing treatment.
Book preview
This flipbook is available in Pashto and can be used by healthcare personnel to provide basic information and education on latent TB infection and active TB disease while working with patients and families from the Afghan refugee community. Using the flipbook can help raise understanding and awareness of TB in the community and help people with active TB understand the disease and the importance of seeking care and completing treatment.